

We need your help.  In addition to the uncertainty created by Covid-19, some students attending Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Birmingham face even more stress. They have been told their tax-credit donation funded AAA scholarships from other organizations might not be renewed next year. We need your tax-credit donation or pledge as soon as possible to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Business and individual income taxes will still be paid this year in Alabama. Can we count on you to direct up to 50% of your liability to support scholarships for income-eligible kids who want a Catholic education?

How can you help:

  • Make a tax-credit donation up to 50% of your Alabama state income taxes or make a pledge by May 1
  • Receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit you can use this year or in the future
  • Share this information with friends or colleagues who support Catholic education

If you have any questions or need assistance reserving your tax credits, please contact Julie Emory-Johnson, Executive Director, C2 Opportunity Scholarships, at 205-835-1508.