

Permanent Diaconate Formation

Posted on December 06, 2021 in: General News

The next formation class for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese is scheduled to begin in March, 2022.  Men who are interested in learning more about the Permanent Diaconate formation program are invited to attend an information session which will be held on December 11, 2021 at the following locations:

  • Saturday, Dec. 11 – Prince of Peace Church, Hoover, AL at 9am
  • Saturday, Dec. 11 – St. Francis Xavier Church, Birmingham, AL at 10am
  • Saturday, Dec. 11 – Good Shepherd Church, Huntsville, AL at 9:30am
  • Saturday, Dec. 11 – St. John the Baptist Church, Madison, AL at 10am

Wives are also invited to attend these sessions.  Each session will last approximately 90 minutes.

Men who cannot attend these information sessions but who are interested in starting the formation process are encouraged to go the diocesan website ( and click on the Permanent Diaconate heading to get further information and to submit an Inquirer form. Questions can be directed to Deacon Chris Rosko at